The documentary follows the trio on their 2004 world tour for their last release to date, This Island. I went to the London date at the Forum with a weird mix of my Dad and two friends who didn't really know each other (and were both Le Tigre newcomers). I can't recall who the first support was (a woman with a laptop? I don't think I ever caught her name) but I remember Gravy Train!!!! bouncing around the stage in tiny shorts, gyrating against each other and shaking pom poms. I think my Dad might have wondered about my music taste at that point... to confirm his fears, a few months later I took him along to see Peaches live. I think he secretly enjoyed it after he'd popped his eyes back into their sockets.
Seeing my teenage heroes in the flesh was mindblowing - all three in matching outfits, singing at the top of their lungs and grinning throughout the synchronised dance moves while images and homemade videos flashed up on the screen behind them. At one point I swear Kathleen flashed a smile my way (maybe because no one stood near me was moving and I was probably jumping up and down like a red-faced enthusiast). I left with a bag full of merch and felt invincible, returning to school the next day with this huge secret about a band no one else seemed to care about.
(Footage from the Forum show)
Beastie Boy Adam Yauch's film company Oscilloscope Laboratories is putting out the release. Director Kerthy Fix previously co-directed another indie rock doc, Strange Powers: Stephin Merritt and the Magnetic Fields.
The film premieres at next month's SXSW festival, and will also screen at New York's Museum of Modern Art on April 4. Neither of which I will be going to, so I'll find a trusty friend to report back.